Media registration
Journalists, photographers, videographers and community educators who are either employees of or on assignment for a recognised print, radio, broadcast or online consumer, medical, community-based or liver disease-related service organization-sponsored media outlet are eligible to apply for complimentary media registration. All media accreditation requests will be reviewed by the Congress organisers. Proof of media status and/or relevant medical/liver health coverage is required to be considered for media accreditation.
Please note that for the purpose of media accreditation, the term, “community educator”, refers to anyone doing journalism for liver disease service organisations or other community-based media outlets.
Please note that we cannot accept applications for media credentials from representatives of media outlets that are not directly involved in journalism.
Communications support professionals attached to a recognised liver disease research, advocacy or policy organisation, whose work is directly related to supporting media coverage of presentations at EASL Congress 2025 are not considered media and must register as a regular delegate. Media accreditation for this category is not guaranteed but is granted on a case-by-case basis.

How to register as press/media:
- Login with your account (or create a new account),
- Select Individual Registration
- Register or book tickets for yourself
- Participant type: Press
- Follow the final steps, including submitting a proof of press/media status.
EASL Congress 2025 embargo policy
By submitting an abstract to the EASL Congress, you agree to abide by this embargo policy. The policy states that authors, presenters and/or their sponsors may not share data or key results from the abstract in any form (print, broadcast or online publication, media release or conference presentation) until this embargo is lifted. Authors, presenters and/or their sponsors may, however, publicise the fact that their abstract has been selected for inclusion in the congress programme before the abstract is officially released. In this context, they may publish the title of their abstract together with the names of the authors and institutions.
Embargos according to the category of submission
A detailed breakdown of the embargo policies for different types of abstracts is available below. All congress delegates, presenters, industry employees, sponsors, and media agree to respect this policy when submitting their abstracts or registering for the event.
- Accepted abstracts selected for the following sessions should not be disclosed before the start of EASL Congress 2025 at 8:00 CET on Wednesday, 7 May 2025 (the opening day of the congress). Authors will be informed during the abstract notification process if their abstract has been selected for one of these sessions.
- General Session I
- General Session II
- Late-breaker Session
- EASL Congress Late-breaker abstracts (poster presentations only): Data from abstracts submitted during the late-breaker submission period and which have been selected for poster presentation may not be disclosed before the start of EASL Congress 2025 at 8:00 CET on Wednesday, 7 May 2025 (the opening day of the congress).
- Accepted abstracts selected for the following sessions should not be disclosed before 8:00 CET on Wednesday, 23 April 2025 (i.e. two weeks before the start of the congress).
- Oral sessions (excluding General Session I, General Session II, Late-breaker Session, or pre-selected abstracts for potential inclusion in an EASL Congress press release)
- Poster sessions (excluding pre-selected abstracts for potential inclusion in an EASL Congress press release and late-breaker)
Note: All pre-recorded presentations may not be disclosed before the start time of their presentation in the official programme. Posters, ePosters and ePoster videos may not be disclosed before 8:00 CET on Wednesday, 7 May 2025 (the first day of the event).
Embargo breaks
Examples of breaking the embargo include publishing data from the abstract in a journal or via a public outlet before the abstract is presented at the congress. Violation of the embargo policy above will be taken seriously. Individuals and/or sponsors who violate it may face sanctions relating to current and future abstract submissions, presentations, and visibility at EASL events. The EASL Governing Board is at liberty to ban attendance and/or retract data.
If you find out that data from an abstract you submitted to EASL Congress 2025 is scheduled for publication prior to the lifting of the embargo, please inform the EASL Congress 2025 team immediately at
Please direct any questions or concerns about the EASL Congress embargo policy for authors and presenters to the EASL Congress 2025 team at
Past press coverage

Liver disease: 'Poo transplant' treatment trial launched
Click Here
Experimental drug improves fatty liver disease
Click Here
La epidemia del higado graso: el organo en el que se ensana el mal estilo de vida
Click Here
Alcol, allarme in Europa: il fegato è a rischio
Click Here
Rise of the crapsule!
Click Here
Wie lebt es sich mit dem Organ einer Toten?
Click Here
Medizinkongress zur Lebergesundheit
Click Here