EASL Pre-Congress event:
Consensus conference: surrogate end-points and real world evidence in Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC)
This one-day multi-stakeholder consensus conference will take place the day before EASL Congress 2025 in Amsterdam.
This event organised with patronage from the main scientific societies in hepatology aims to integrate the current knowledge in endpoints for therapy management in PBC, the role of real world evidence, and provide a new framework for ongoing and future clinical trials.
The primary goals of this consensus conference are:
- to identify the key scientific, clinical, and regulatory needs to advance the development of reliable surrogate endpoints;
- to reach a clear consensus on how to use real world evidence to design confirmatory clinical trials in PBC.
Date and time: 6 May 2025, 9:00-17:30 CEST

Christopher Bowlus

Marco Carbone

Christophe Corpechot

Claudia Couto

Bettina E. Hansen

Gideon Hirschfield

David Jones

Cynthia Levy

Ana Lleo

Marilyn Mayo

Alejandra Villamil

José Willemse
Review current trial design and end points, and the need for agreement on best study designs.
Review the role of real world evidence in PBC and how to design and use prospective data
collection. Analyse the possibility of collaborative data sets; how can they be used agnostic to
a specific drug.
Understand the views of providers, regulatory agencies and patients about criteria for
defining clinical benefit and potential regulatory approval.
Develop a consensus statement based on multi-stakeholder input about best approaches to
ensuring a diverse range of therapies for patients.
Pre-conference: Define working groups and leads for each group; define literature review for each group and summary of data with voting questions.
During the Conference: present findings of groups and allow for open discussion.
In principle, the panel would explore achieving a community consensus agreement, although in special circumstances a majority decision might prevail. In these cases, a minority report will be included in the document.
A final document capturing potential changes will be prepared for submission to Journal of Hepatology by the end of 2025.
Target audience
Health care providers (physicians, nurses, physician associates)
Real world data experts
Patients and patient representatives
Government/Regulatory Representatives
Registration is required to attend the pre-congress event “Consensus conference: surrogate end-points and real world evidence in PBC”. Please note that the pre-conference event is only accessible for onsite participants. Registered delegates will also receive live-stream and on demand access to the pre-congress event.
Registration fee:
EUR 102.85 (EUR 85 plus 21% Dutch VAT)
Registration process:
- Go to the EASL Congress 2025 registration platform.
- Login with your account or create a new account.
- Select “Individual Registration”
- Click “Next” to accept the Terms & Conditions.
- Select “Register or book tickets for yourself” or “Register or book ticket for someone else” to proceed.
- Select “Participant type”. Add your EASL Membership number if appropriate, and click “Choose tickets” to proceed.
- Add “discount code” if applicable, and click “Next” to proceed.
- Select tickets:
- If you wish to register for both EASL Congress 2025 and the pre-congress event “Consensus conference: surrogate end-points and real world evidence in PBC” please select both tickets.
- If you have already register for EASL Congress 2025 or wish to only register for the pre-congress event “Consensus conference: surrogate end-points and real world evidence in PBC” please only select the applicable ticket.
- Complete all other required fields and proceed to payment to confirm your registration.
For registration queries, please contact: EASLcongress.registration@easloffice.eu